Sunday, August 11, 2013

my new jumpsuit

well boy I got my new jail jumpsuit today god cant wait to put it when I went in to put it on it was a pink jumpsuit  yea I know pink .Byou can look up pink jail on line you well see where my jumpsuit came from .it fit nice and it was so hot to havea jail jumpsuit on I just wanted yo jack off .So as soon as I got it on I did just that it felt so good hope you guys like it if so wright one your self and post it on here

1 comment:

  1. i love it man it fits you real good plus the cuffs your in full gear !!!
    yah man when i got my B&W i had to put it on and soon enough do the same as you
    i'll tell you the fist time you put a new uniform on its powering
    you should check out fetlife and fliker lots of people into this
